PRODUCTIVE INVESTMENT FINANCIAL INCENTIVES TAX INCENTIVES SCOPE New products or services; New production methods or processes; Innovation must be at least nationwide (non SME). Investment projects with positive impact on innovation and jobs creation. ELIGIBLE EXPENSES Tangible Fixed Assets: machine, equipment and buildings; Intangible Fixed Assets: software, technology transfer; Training expenses. For project with very significant creation of high qualified jobs, exceptional alternative to tangible fixed assets: wages expenses (over a period of 2 two years). Tangible Fixed Assets: machine, equipment and buildings; Intangible Fixed Assets: software, technology transfer. N AT U R E OF SUPPORT MAXIMUM SUPPORT Loan: 30% of eligible expenses as an interest-free loan; Corporate Income Tax Credit from 10% up to 25% 8-years reimbursement period (including 2 years grace of eligible investment;Tax benefits up to a 10-year period period); after the conclusion of the investment. Cash Grant: Loan conversion of up to 60% of the Exemption from Municipal Property Tax, Municipal Tax incentive depending on the performance of the project. and Stamp Tax Transactions. 30%* 10% TO 25% For Non SME’s: financial grants combined with tax incentives, applied to the same expenses may not exceed 25% of the eligible investment (tax credit + cash grant + loan interest saving). For projects located in Lisbon and Algarve regions, only investments in new activity are eligible up to a limit of 10% of the eligible investment (part of Lisbon region, including Lisbon, is not eligible for incentives). Source: Portuguese Government *Base Rate